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"I'm too old!"


Anyone over 21 years of age, with a stable prescription is a potential candidate for Refractive Surgery (LASIK, LASEK, or PRK).  Stability of your prescription and the overall health of your eyes are the most important factors in ensuring a successful outcome.  Patients which are older (>40 years) may choose a monovision treatment to allow for the highest chance of spectacle-free independence for both distance and near tasks.



"LASIK is the only way to reduce my dependency on glasses and contact lenses.”

If you have been deemed a poor candidate for LASIK in the past, there are many new modalities to correct your vision.  Some of which include, LASEK, PRK, or lens replacement surgery.



"LASIK does not fix astigmatism."

Given today’s advancement in laser technology most forms of astigmatism can be successfully treated with laser eye surgery.



"It would be too much time off from work if I had surgery."


Contrary to what many people know about LASIK surgery, most LASIK patients can drive into the office by themselves for their post-operative day #1 visit without glasses or contact lenses.  Most patients after LASIK surgery return back to work within 1 day of the operation.  Patient’s undergoing LASEK or PRK require a longer healing time often necessitating a leave from work for 5-7 days post-operation.



"Will I receive general anesthesia the day of the surgery?"


No, only topical anesthesia is required. The procedure is well-tolerated by most patients, and only an oral medication is required to help you relax prior to the procedure.  

























"This is an all day procedure."


The operation takes in total 12-15 minutes for both eyes.   The total time at the surgical facility the day of the procedure will be 2-3 hours.  You will require a car ride home with accompaniment.



"Does LASIK last forever?"

In Dr. Kruh’s experience, 95% of patients never need an enhancement after their primary procedure.



"I am afraid about halos, glare, and worsening dry eye after LASER surgery."

Although some patients report mild to moderate nighttime halos, glare, and dry eyes within the 1st few weeks after surgery, for the majority of the patients, these issues resolve after 1-3 months.  We perform extensive preoperative screening tests before your laser surgery to help evaluate your risks for such issues.  If you are a candidate for LASIK, our expert medical team will explain any risks you face before scheduling surgery.



"Could I lose vision?"


Millions of people have undergone LASIK since the early nineties.  When strict parameters are followed, blindness should not be part of the feared risks.  Although LASIK and LASEK are not procedures without risk, contact lenses do carry similar risks to the eye, such as severe corneal infections



"Can any LASIK surgeon provide me with the same care and outcome?"


DON’T trust your eyes to just anyone. You have only one pair of precious eyes and selecting your surgeon is not just important for ensuring competency, but most importantly, it is to ensure that you are in good, experienced hands that are able to manage any unexpected events that may happen, no matter how rare they might be.




For additional questions about Laser Vision Correction, please, call for an appointment or book a free consultation online.



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